Nature is…Freedom of Expression Tag


Hi everyone! Happy Friday. This is a day late so my apologies.

Thank you Iscriblr for continuously doing this tag. It’s a fun way to express ourselves and to anyone about the topic of this week. Check out her blog if you haven’t done so already.

The topic of this week is nature. Nature is abundant anywhere we are or go. Its from the simplest flower, tree or surroundings you see. We just have to stop and admire it before its all gone.


↪ Beautiful flower along a hike in Hawaii.


↪ Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California is a great place to see nature.


↪ A bee taking pollen out of a lilac farm in Southern California.


↪ Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best.
“Adapt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. We’re all so much into rushing things and nature takes its time and patience to bloom and grow in its own natural beauty.

I invite anyone to do this tag. Its all up to you on how you express yourself with the topic given. Go for it and have fun.

🌿 Thank you for reading.

💞 Pam


Every Thursday I will pick a topic, post photos or quotes or lyrics or a poem or an article about the “topic” and nominate 3 bloggers, who in turn will post about that SAME topic (in whichever way they want) and nominate 3 bloggers of their own, spreading “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” far and wide.

It’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the theme of the day. Fun, ain’t it?


1 Thank the Selector and do not forget to tag/create a “ping-back!” If ping-backs are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below.
2 Attach the tag photo.
3 Post about that topic (in whichever way you want – it could be a photo or a quote or a poem or an article) for the dedicated “Topic of the Day.” No rush!
4 Select 3 bloggers to take part in “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” Tag! Let’s spread some positivity around.
5 VOLUNTEERS are more than welcome!

There you have it friends – a brand new “fun” tag that is all about free will and choice.

7 thoughts on “Nature is…Freedom of Expression Tag

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