Freedom of Expression Challenge…Memories


Every Thursday, Richa will pick up a “prompt word” to be acted upon by y’all. You are free to go wild with your imagination and interpret the “prompt” in any way that you like – photo, prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, quotes, articles or drawing/painting – whatever works for you!

In short, it’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the prompt and go berserk!



1–Do not forget to tag/create a “ping-back!” If ping-backs are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below so that everyone can enjoy your entry.

2–You are free to decipher the prompt as per your cognition. No rules, no boundaries!

3–Since we are aiming at catalyzing fun, you get a weeks time to participate. No rush!

4–Be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will be amazed at their brilliant creativity

Here is my take on the topic:

Certain memories should be remembered and some not.

Time moves in one direction…. Memory moves in another…..

This resonates to a lot of us. We take chances in life, we lose and find happiness, we appreciate the memories we have, we learn from the past, and we realize people change may it be for the better or for the worst. We accept it and make it a memory.

Self- explanatory

There is my take on the topic of Memories. I hope you’ve enjoyed them all. Have a good one everyone!

Thank you for reading.

💞 Pam

8 thoughts on “Freedom of Expression Challenge…Memories

  1. So full of me, me, me…

    More is me..,

    Me is more..,

    Es memoir!

    me I’m rose 🌹

    O Sir! Me me

    O ‘m me rise!

    Me i.e., so Mr

    moi es mer 🌊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a wonderful take on the prompt Pam! Loved the quotes!❤️❤️

    PS – Sweetie.. May I please request you to please (please) drop of a link to your FOE post to my blog – so that I do not miss reading it! Even though I make sure that I check your blog on regular basis, there are days and times that I miss on things! (which I wouldn’t want to at all, considering the efforts and time that you put in!)
    Thank you so much for your constant love and support – it means a lot to me!❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person