Freedom of Expression Challenge


Hi Everyone! Hope you’re all having a good week!  Its Thursday and you know what day it is…its time for the “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION CHALLENGE”


Every Thursday, Richa of Iscriblr will pick up a “prompt word” to be acted upon by y’all. You are free to go wild with your imagination and interpret the “prompt” in any way that you like – photo, prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, quotes, articles or drawing/painting – whatever works for you!
In short, it’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the prompt and go berserk!


Here are the rules:

1-Do not forget to tag/create a “ping-back!” If ping-backs are not your thing, feel free to simply leave a link to your piece in the comment section below so that everyone can enjoy your entry.

2-You are free to decipher the prompt as per your cognition. No rules, no boundaries!

3-Since we are aiming at catalyzing fun, you get a weeks time to participate. No rush!

4-Be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will be amazed at their brilliant creativity



Chase your vision instead of the money. Your vision is far more beautiful than money.

What you vision is beautiful may not be beautiful to others.

There it is everyone. My take on the topic of Vision for this challenge….Have FUN!

I tag– Jenna of The Sunshine Artist

Nirant of-The poem zone

Sangeeta of-Sangita

Hope….”Freedom of Expression” Tag


Hello Everyone! Hope you all are having a good week.

I was tagged on “Freedom Of Expression” Tag by: iScriblr please do check-out her blog. Her blog has poems, stories, some helpful tips and so much more. Thank you Richa (iScriblr) for tagging me.

The Topic for this Thursday is “HOPE” Here are a few pictures with quotes that I like about Hope.

Hope is what keeps us going. Without any bit of hope in our heart and mind is to just have a sense of emptiness.




Hope lights up our soul
And never fades away
It makes our life go smoothly
Excitement for the next day

It appears magically
Inspires us to try
Its sweetens bitter days
Never letting our dreams die


Every Thursday I will pick a topic, post photos or quotes or lyrics or a poem or an article about the “topic” and nominate 3 bloggers, who in turn will post about that SAME topic (in whichever way they want) and nominate 3 bloggers of their own, spreading “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” far and wide.

It’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the theme of the day. Fun, ain’t it?


1 Thank the Selector and do not forget to tag/create a “ping-back!”
2 Attach the tag photo.
3 Post about that topic (in whichever way you want – it could be a photo or a quote or a poem or an article) for the dedicated “Topic of the Day.” No rush!
4 Select 3 bloggers to take part in “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” Tag! Let’s spread some positivity around.
5 VOLUNTEERS are more than welcome!

There it is friends – a brand new “fun” tag that is all about free will and choice. Its all up to you!

I tags:Ravindra Nayak


Shreya Vohra

Have fun and have a good rest of the week!

🌿Thank you for reading.
❣ Pam